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Featured Story

“Am I Submissive?”

“I’ve been questioning everything. As I heal and delve deeper into what I’ve been through, I sometimes wonder if my kinks are rooted in trauma.…”

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Writing is Glassgirl’s passion. She writes poetry, erotica, and journal style pieces focusing on her experiences with BDSM as well as essays about healing and surviving abuse.

Having published writing on websites like Kinkweekly, Kynk 101, and Medium, ‘Glass’ has also created scripts for various audio and pleasure apps.

She is a voracious reader, expert car dancer, and Taylor Swift’s best friend (or at least she will be if they ever meet).

Follow her on Instagram @_theglassgirl_

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 Kind Words

Glass’ writings are a great inspiration for me. As I learn about and explore my kinks, they’ve helped me express my needs and desires to my partner and Dominant.
— SG
Glass writes so beautifully. She’s deeply insightful and what she shares helps you feel seen, understood and less alone
— KH
Whenever I want to be transported to a sphere where pain and pleasure collide, I read Glass’ writing. Her erotica throbs and I’m always excited to see what she’ll do next.
— SB
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