No One is Coming - A Note to Myself


Society teaches us early on (especially as women) that somewhere out there, our hero awaits and is in the process of creating their master plan for the day they will come to save us.

They will save us from the evil stepmother, the wicked witch, a troll, or another unnamed villainous archetype. In reality, the troll could be an abusive partner or parent, the wicked witch- self-loathing, or even a demon like depression.

We're often taught (as women) that if we're worthy enough, we'll be saved. Better yet, if we're pretty enough, we'll be saved first. And so we wait. We sit in our castles of solitude, waiting for our heroes. The one to not only end our suffering but also make all our dreams come true.

But the hero doesn't come.

We ask ourselves why? We fabricate answers we think fit. That we believe, explain it. It's because "we're not enough", just fill in the blank _______. We're not smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough, or young enough. We're not lovable or huggable. We're simply not wanted. But truthfully? That's all bullshit.

We find the fault in ourselves because if it's our fault, then it's in our control to fix it. If we fix ourselves for them, maybe we'll be chosen. Maybe then we'll be desired.

We can starve, stuff, or work ourselves sick, hoping the hero will be seen on the horizon. We wonder when we'll finally be rescued from our pain.

Here's the truth, and it's a hard truth to accept and believe - because some of us from very young were told we weren't strong and needed someone to save us. We needed someone to validate our self-worth. We needed someone to convince us that we mattered and to give us purpose-

No one is coming to your rescue.

No one is coming to fight for you.

No one is coming to heal you.

No "hero" can make it all better.

No one is coming.

There is no hero. Not an outside one, at least. The only person who can save you is YOU. The only person who can heal you is YOU. The only person who can help you realize that you are a valid human being worthy of love, care, and affection simply because you exist- is YOU.

In all of our brokenness, in all of our pain and vulnerability lies the strength we need to save ourselves.

We just need to recognize it and believe that we're worth saving.

You, my friend, are worth saving.

-Glass xo