Yes, No, Maybe: Discussing Kinks


I was recently helping with a discussion group about scene negotiation and the topic of ways to start talking about kinks came up. In the past, I’ve used Yes, No, Maybe lists to begin the conversation with possible partners. They have been helpful, if at times lacking a variety of kinks, or space to note health concerns, aftercare preferences and limits.

After being in the discussion group I was inspired to create another version of the yes, no , maybe list. While it doesn’t include all possible kinks, fetishes and ways to play; my hope is that it will be a great starting point for you to begin discussion and then use to assist in negotiation.

The list is designed to be completed by those who identify as either Top or bottom types or both. There is a section for health concerns and well being, as well as a place to list and describe any interests/fetishes not listed. The list is created to use as a guide and to compliment communication and discussion around fantasies, play and scene planning.

Below is a free PDF of the list for you to print and use. If sharing or linking to this from other sites, I only ask that you credit me (GlassGirl). Thank you!

I hope it is helpful!